Thursday, May 08, 2008


Like a one-legged man at an ass-kicking convention, I've been so busy that I haven't had a second to think -- really think -- about my FET. Then my Outl.ook calendar popped up with a reminder that it's tomorrow (like I'd forget -- well, maybe I would, actually), and I just thought: HOLY SHIT. Fortunately, I have a lot left to do today, tonight, and tomorrow morning, so I can't really agonize the way I like to.

But HOLY SHIT! (assuming there's something to transfer, etc.)


BigP's Heather said...

Fingers crossed and sending VERY good thoughts your way!

statia said...

Good luck tomorrow.

Jane Roper said...

Good luck!! I'll be thinking about you. Possible good omen: I actually ahd a dream about you last night, BEFORE reading this post. In it, you were organizing some sort of fundraiser. A sign of impending pregnancy?? Sure! Why not!

TLB said...

Grow embies! I hope you get a couple of nice blasts to transfer and everything goes well, but I'm sure it will. So*ren will have a sibling before you know it.

singletracey said...

Just thinking of you today! GOOD LUCK!!!!