Monday, August 21, 2006

Girl power!

The update will have to wait because I'm totally swamped at work. But I totally love being swamped these days, because it keeps me from being as depressed as I get when I have time on my hands. Nice, huh?

Anyway, in the meantime, I direct you to two places:

1. Here's a JCrew skirt that I bought this weekend when I was in the motherland. This is just one of many, many items I purchased at the mall, without any regard whatsoever to looming financial burdens. Fuck it - I'm going to look hot this fall, even if I'm infertile, depressed, bloated, and prone to giving the stinkeye to innocent pregnant women.

2. To this post by Akeeyu at Her Very Own. Girl power! Infertile girl power!


Jane said...

Excellent skirt! Go forth and look hot.

Angie said...

Nice skirt! Loved the post by Akeeyu.

Emmie said...

Awesome skirt! I agree with you absolutely--buy some nice clothes, screw the budget. At least for a day! ;)

Meg said...

MM - Yes, great post from Akeeyu indeed. so how were the middle school journals, then? Always fun to reread. I think mine were very similar to yours, but they mentioned a lot of excitiement about getting my braces off.

Ah, the transformations we hoped for that never happened....