Wednesday, January 14, 2009

No action at Ft. Cervix

I had my final OB appointment today before Fran.z's debut.  My cervix is still closed up tight, which is currently a plus, unlike during all of my embryo transfers.  My blood pressure was just lovely, and nothing has swollen up.  My weight has dropped, but the OB said not to be concerned by this because it is her opinion that most weight gain in the last month is due to swelling.  She said is still growing.  Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, I ate a huge lunch afterwards.  I ran into a couple of friends at the restaurant I went to, and they freaked me out about the whole kindergarten process here in San Francisco.  I'm hoping that the bizarre public-school allocation process here is fixed by the time S.oren needs to go to kindergarten.  They said that might actually happen.  I think I'll just put my head in the sand and hope that it does, since the cost of private school for 12 years would be impossible for us to manage.  If could even get in.

I also stopped by the main newborn/lactation center here and rented a Sy.mphony pump and an infant scale (hoping to avoid frequent trips to the pediatrician's office in Jan/Feb, when it is probably teeming with pneumonia and rotavirus germs), and I bought just about every feeding/pumping accessory and supplement you could possibly need.   I've been setting up's room and trying not to feel as if I am tempting fate by doing so.  I am always dismayed by women who feel confident enough to set up the nursery at like five months.  But maybe I should force myself to have that kind of confidence instead of indulging my superstitions.

Also, I saw a physician's assistant at the dermatologist, and she said the weird growth on my back was a skin tag.  She did, however, find a troublesome mole, so she removed both the tag and the mole and sent them off to the lab.  I feel relieved.


KandiB said...

Sounds like things are going perfectly! Yay! I love what you said about finishing the nursery - "maybe I should force myself to have that kind of confidence instead of indulging my superstitions." It's so true. I find myself having that same internal conversation every day!

Jess said...

Glad things are going well!!


Hopeful Mother said...

Sounds like things are right on track for Franz's arrival...

nancy said...

I get tons of skin tags during pregnancy. Yuck.

I can't believe you are still hanging in there!!! Good lUck and labor vibes!