Tuesday, January 27, 2009

No thrush!

Since we last spoke, an OB, the pediatrician, and another LC posited that I do not have thrush, and that the issue is, in fact, some crackage. So now I'm using this Mothe.rlove nipple cream and breast shells to try to heal the cracks. Seb.astian's latch got a high grade at the LC yesterday, so at least I know that our technique is good. The LC also gave me the OK to start the zillions of supplements I have on hand -- fenu.greek, More Mil.k Pl.us, and dom.peridone. We are feeding every 1-2 hours during the day and every 2-3 at night. I pump after all but three sessions a day, and we feed that milk back to him.

The day we left the hospital, this seemed to be working since he had started gaining again, but he was back down an ounce at the pediatrician yesterday despite eating constantly the 24 hours prior. We go back on Friday to the ped, and if his weight isn't on track, then we will supplement, per the LC's instructions. My gut feel is that my supply is better this time, so we'll just see if it's enough better to go EBF.

Last night, we cobbled together enough sleep to feel human today. We may not get a repeat of that tonight, but it was much needed after a max of three hours total of interrupted sleep, which is what I've had the first five days. Last night, I think I got 4-5 in total, including from a nap this morning, and I feel SO much better right now. Good enough, in fact, to watch a marathon of "Ba.d Girls' Clu.b" on Oxygen. Out of self-respect, I've now moved on to "What No.t to Wea.r" on TLC.

Last night, we cobbled together enough sleep to feel human today. We may not get a repeat of that tonight, but it was much needed after a max of three hours total of interrupted sleep, which is what I've had the first five days. Last night, I think I got 4-5 in total, including from a nap this morning, and I feel SO much better right now. Good enough, in fact, to watch a marathon of "Ba.d Girls' Clu.b" on Oxygen. Out of self-respect, I've now moved on to "What No.t to Wea.r" on TLC.

So.ren seems to be adjusting to his new life. When we came home on Sunday, he was napping, and so when he got up he found that the baby brother he'd met in the hospital twice was now here. I have to say I didn't expect this, but he just seemed so incredibly sad. It made me start to cry. Yesterday was better, and this morning he asked to see the baby. I hope he soon forgets that things were any different. My heart just broke for him on Sunday.

Oh, one thing I forgot to mention about my c-section was that the OB used a glue instead of stitches or staples on me. I think it's called Derm.abond. Impressive shit! You can barely see the incision. I recommend asking for this if scarring is a concern. I had a big keloid scar before, and she cut that away and used this stuff this time around, which apparently should be much less visible.


Jess said...

Glad it wasn't thrush!!! I hope your BFing this time around is much easier. Good luck!

I thought Ava (at 6 1/2 mo, mind you) seemed so sad when we brought Ethan home. I think part of it was shock on her part, but I think in hindsight it was mostly me projecting in my post-partum crazy. Soren will get used to his new brother and he WILL forget it was any other way...that's one beauty of having the kids so close in age, for sure.

They'll be great friends, I bet, you just wait. :)

Hand in there! The early days are so wonderful, but so HARD.

Anonymous said...

It won't be long before So.ren doesn't ever remember not having his little brother.

Alex said...

You did that one paragraph twice :) You can tell you're a tired new mother!! Its cute.

Its perfectly normal for the original child to feel sad, worried, out of sorts when the new baby arrives. My first one was happy at the hospital and when we first got her home. But the next mrning when she woke up and came to my room and found her sister nursing she started at me, like I betrayed her and walked right out. I was in the middle of nursing and had just had a c-section so I couldn't just jump up so my husband went to her and by the time I got out there 10 minutes later she was fine. Never had another issue. But man...I will never forget that look and the feeling it left me with. Straight guilt!!

Soren probably was just shocked to find him there when he got up. Maybe if he'd been awake he might have reacted better. Maybe not. But either way, I'm sure he'll be fine in no time.