Monday, January 01, 2007

Relapse: don't do it

So I'd been having some good days and some bad days, but my overall hyperemesis trend had been positive. I was most prone to nausea in the late afternoons, and had probably puked twice a week during that time for the last five weeks - not so bad.

Until yesterday (ie, New Year's Eve). I started feeling fairly nauseated in the afternoon. We were staying with friends who like to eat and stay up late, so I thought that maybe I was feeling ill because I hadn't slept well or enough. I took a nap, but when I woke up to help prepare for the NYE dinner party (which started at five), I was really not feeling good. I popped an extra Zo.fran, since Zo.fran is my BFF.

The party began, and I was really feeling like crap - huge waves of nausea, etc. I tried to nibble on some bread, but no luck. Fortunately, this was a dinner party of close friends, so no one really minded when I said, "Excuse me - I need to vomit." And vomit I did - oh, did I vomit! I believe the puke left my stomach at a rate of no less than 75mph and possibly as high as 90. I did make it to the toilet (bad form otherwise, though surely NYE has seen many non-toilet-based pukes). This turned into the heinous, heaving feeling that I knew so well from the early days of hyperemesis. I repeated this pattern several more times until finally I realized it would be more polite to excuse myself from the rest of the dinner and lie down in another room. My husband and I snuck out just after midnight to stay at a quieter friend's house.

I managed to keep down my Uni.som and B6 and a megadose of Zo.fran before bed, and I do feel somewhat better today. I am just relieved I didn't have to go to the ER in a big city on NYE - that is one experience I can live without, although I'm sure one encounters many colorful characters there.

We fly back today, and I am excited to see my little dog tomorrow. Happy 2007 to you all!


TLB said...

Welcome back, and hope your 2007 is HG-free.

Fluff the little dog for me.

spark said...

Happy New Year! Hope that the HG subsides again and 2007 is filled with joy!!!

Michelle Falkoff said...

welcome back!