Thursday, May 24, 2007

Attention, chefs

If you happen to be a chef, I highly recommend giving your new-parent friends and acquaintances delicious treats like those pictured above. We were surprised this afternoon to receive these dishes (chicken with couscous, trout with mango) from the chef of our favorite local restaurant. He and his wife recently had a child as well. I can't tell you how amazing it was to receive these dishes. We were already making pizzas (and by "we," I mean "my mother") for tonight, but we'll eat these tomorrow. Amazing! And I should add here that several local friends have brought us outstandingly delicious and gourmet meals lately, and we are eternally grateful for the gift of food.

Today, we went to a breastfeeding support group at a local hospital. I am going to get to know every lactation consultant in town, I'll tell you that. It was definitely helpful. There were women there who were having other problems that I was glad not to have, but most were well adjusted to breastfeeding and it made it seem like there was a light at the end of the tunnel. I was also better today about napping when the baby napped, even if it was just for half an hour. I think that helped my outlook a bit, even though my sleep total is probably just about 4 hours a day at this point.

I also received my bandeau-style hands-free device today, thank GOD. My other one, frankly, was crap - complicated and already breaking. You'd think Med.ela, as the leader in pumps, would have a better solution. But theirs bites.

Finally, here's a little baby, snoozing on the couch, where he snoozes most often. We need to get him into the cradle at some point, but right now it's more restful for the off-duty person to go crash away from him and his baby noises that one must agonize over.

10 days down. It seems like forever, though I'm sure it will seem like nothing in retrospect.


Larki said...

Oh he is cute! A royal pain in the neck, I'm sure, but so much with the cuteness!

Re the poor little red baby butt: we had good luck with Desitin Creamy diaper cream. Has to be the creamy, not the regular. It helped our cause when Rabbit got a rotten rash from Augmen.tin at 15 months. And I'm sure you are already airing that little ass as much as possible--which is hard to organize, given that newborns shoot poop across the room fifteen times a day.

Hang in there. It will improve immensely.

twirl said...

He looks so sweet! And the food... I need chef friends, for sure! What a fantastic gift.

Jane said...

He really is adorable. I see both you and Mr. MM in him.

That's great about the food. Do you have a 'Let's' out there? That's a great way to stock up on (quite decent) frozen dinners, once you're not nursing around the clock and can get away for a couple of hours.

Mary Ellen and Steve said...

It sounds like you have some great friends. I would definitely be keeping them if I were you. He looks so cute!