Thursday, March 22, 2007

Boring, laundry-list update #2 (Or: That's Our Boy!)

The ultrasound went well. I feel confident that there was no mix-up in the embryology lab, for our little boy appears to be exhibiting characteristics consistent with each of us. To wit:

1. He already has a full head of hair. (I was born with TONS of hair). The ultrasound tech marveled at it.
2. His head is big. (I have a large hat size myself.)
3. He is still breech. (My husband is stubborn.)
4. He had his hand on his testicles. (Also characteristic of my husband.)

He also has huuuuuuuuuuuge, cute cheeks. He may also have a slight clubfoot after all, but whatever - it's correctable, and I can no longer be bothered by such trifles.

If I had a scanner, I'd scan in the ultrasound shot of his fat little face. He's over 4 lbs. now, allegedly, and is in the 57th percentile for size.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear he is well! He does sound like a typical man - hand on the testicles!

Hopeful Mother said...

Very cool that you could see all of his hair!!!

Definitely a boy, through and through.

Jane said...

Huzzah! You know, according to the NYT, there is now scientific credence to the old wives' tale that said heartburn (or reflux, we'll assume) means your baby has lots of hair.

Emmie said...

He sounds precious!!! I'm so glad things are going well. It won't be long now!

Mary Ellen and Steve said...

You are so close! How exciting! Too funny about the hand on the testicles.

Larki said...

I am seriously pissed that I am not going to get to meet this young man. How dare he schedule his debut for, like, a week after I leave town? I am going to take it personally. I really really wanted to pinch his fat, delicious cheeks! Way to grow and develop, dude!